23 January 2022

"Add me search option / Edit my people card" options not working - Solution



Please refer to the Help Center article: Create your people card on Google Search
  • You must be located in India -- this feature is not available elsewhere
  • Your language must be set to English
  • The feature is only available on mobile devices (Android, iPhone or iPad)
  • You will need a mobile browser or the Google Search App
  • You must have a personal Google account (i.e., name@gmail.com)
  • Your account Web & App Activity must be turned on
If you've followed all the above steps and you still don't have access to create your card, please send feedback direct to Google using the in-app "Send feedback" feature. That will allow Google to investigate your specific situation.
Note: Google doesn’t guarantee that your card will show up on Google Search. The more info you provide in your card, the more likely it will show up in Google Search results.

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